Jay is looking at me excitedly for his tremendous photos appearing in front of the comp screen . Say hi Jay . Here's another TKJ . Not Theng Kai Joe, but Theng Kai Jay .
hey~ How are you guys doing on? and How's holidays going on?
Hmm.. sooner or later.. We gonna start our form 5 life.. *arr..torturing,suffering year*
2010 is on the way to replace 2009.. Time travels real fast.. I tried to stop it but it only appeared in my dreams.. *sniff sniff*
So, enjoy the last few weeks in year 2009~ and wish you guys Merry Christmas~ *I know its kinda early to wish but >.< its better than I didn't wish right ?XD *
it'd been so long that i left this blog alone being lonely huh? sorry~~ November ends in just a split of second so fast, unbelievable enjoy your holiday guys~ cheers~!